Brian turned my dream into a reality and brought my vision to fruition! I absolutely love my brand – it is simple yet profoundly powerful and universal!
Monique Barley
Founder & Author, Her Breakthrough

Monique Barley is an author that reached out to me because she was ready to release her first book titled, Her Breakthrough. The book would be the catalyst for her new inspirational and motivational brand, encouraging deep introspection and growth via proxy of Monique’s personal experiences.
Monique asked me to develop her branding to help her connect with as many people as possible who can benefit from her message of personal growth and introspection. While the world stood still due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Monique felt it was time to finally release her message of hope to the world, as people were looking for ways to connect and grow during that difficult time. She made the decision to move forward with her project, and commissioned me to develop a branding package, as well as a website to support the brand.

The Discovery Call is always a fun and eye-opening component of the branding process. We both had so much fun breaking down the core of what Her Breakthrough represented and how that could look to the world. We talked about emotions, shapes, colors, and other abstract concepts that personally resonated with Monique and her vision.
I got to work with paper and pencil, sketching out various iterations of the Her Breakthrough logo. But after a few logo candidates, I felt none of the designs were really giving me that “Aha!” feeling. But one day while I was taking a shower (the shower is my thinking place), I started drawing with my finger onto the condensation on my shower curtain.
What if I drew the the letter “h” and then just continued the line into a “b”? Whoa, this could work!

With a design in place, it was time to work on the color palette. Monique’s book and business goals for Her Breakthrough centered around self-help and motivation. She wanted it to evoke a feminine energy, while still being accessible to everyone. I settled on a calming and relaxing teal color scheme with a white color that has been softened a bit to feel comforting and soothing, like a hug.
Monique was so thrilled with the results and said numerous times during our call that she felt the branding accurately captured what was in her heart and vision. When the project came full circle, Monique had something she could be proud of. Now, when people see Her Breakthrough they will experience the same inspiring energy that she has poured into this incredible project!